New European Bauhaus of the Mountains Open Workshop - Pubblicato da martin_inside

  • Piazza Università 1, Bolzano, BZ


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Informazioni evento

New European Bauhaus of the Mountains
Beautiful, Sustainable, Together

In the workshop concrete projects will be developed starting from Scenarios, each with a focus on a specific field of action some of us want to work on to foster social-ecological transformation.

Therefore, we invite diverse actors from South Tyrol and beyond to a co-creative workshop, where we bring complementary competences to the table(s) to develop project ideas and actions, which can only be done together. We are looking forward to new partners to join. We aim to generate ideas, which are both visionary and viable. We want to leave the room as emerging working groups, each with a strong idea and next steps planned.

Registration Deadline: 12 January, 12:00 CET


10 min.
Welcome: The NEB of the Mountains and the idea of this workshop

How it works & The Scenario Tables
Participants go to the table they want to start with.

Round 1: What is the quest behind the scenario?
20 min.
Before the discussion the host outlines the scenario using visual material (graphics, images, etc.)
Aim: understand the Scenario or the question(s) hidden in it more deeply.

Round 2: Which concrete projects and activities can we imagine?
30 min.
Aim: explore openly diverse directions a projects could take (brainstorming mode)

Speed dating
60 min.
All participants go to tables of their interest for a short exchange of ideas (ca. 5 min. per table). Hosts take notes.
Everybody joins the scenario they want to work on together.

Round 3: Which direction(s) are most promising? What next steps will we take?
30 min.
As a start of the last round hosts summarise the most important findings and proposals.
Aim: decide one direction (or on 2-3), on which the participants really want to work on. Who else is needed? Decide on next steps.

Sharing the outcomes & Check-out
20 min.
The moderator and input giver present shortly the outcomes from their table.
Everyone can share what they have learned.

Collection of scenarios & committed persons

1. BASIS Vinschgau Venosta & Ex Caserma Druso
Committed persons: Hannes Götsch (BASIS), Ghali Egger (BASIS), Aart van Bezooijen (unibz), Giulia Paoletti (EURAC), Uwe Staffler (CasaClima), Alessandro Rancati

2. Kapuzinergarten Bozen – Parco dei Cappuccini Bolzano
Committed persons: Angelika Burtscher (Lungomare), Zeno Oberkofler (Fridays for Future), Lukas Abram (Architekt), Katrin Teutsch (Initiative Quasi Centrum), Florian Pallua (Forum Prävention), Roberto Tubaro (Jazz Festival Südtirol), Maurice Bellotti (Poison for Souls)

3. Participation as an instrument for sustainable and inclusive regional development
Committed persons: Kris Krois (unibz), Elisa Ravazzoli and Federica Maino (EURAC/RegDev), Sabina Frei (unibz)

4. A place to B(z) – creating an urban common fostering local culture and a vital city community in the ex-railway area of Bolzano
Committed persons: Philipp Rier (LiA Collective), Marielle Scharfenberg (unibz), Chiara Rabini (Comune di Bolzano), Aart van Bezooijen (unibz), Giulia Paoletti (EURAC), Uwe Staffler (CasaClima), Alessandro Rancati, Elisa Ravazzoli e Marzia Bona (EURAC/RegDev)

5. SMACH. Constellation of Art, Culture and History in the Dolomites
Committed persons: Michael Moling (founder), Stefano Riba (project manager)

6. Rural commons in mountain areas and across the Alps: mobilizing art, design and cultural work for caring modes of living in common
Committed persons: Johannes Reisigl (Rural Commons Assembly), Bianca Elzenbaumer (Alpine Changemaker Network, CIPRA International)

Contatti :

Date e orari evento :

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Testata iscritta al registro stampe del Tribunale di Bolzano al n. 25/2002 del 09.12.2002 | Iscrizione al R.O.C. al n. 12.446.
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