Rock Night - Pubblicato da martin_inside



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ROCK NIGHT @ Astra Brixen
- Nine (Hard Rock/Metal – Brixen)
- Last Chance (Alternative Rock – Bozen)
- Nora13 (Melodic Rock – Bozen)
Entry: 5€


NORA13 was formed in South Tyrol (Italy) in 2005 and issued their debut albums Wonderland and You Are The Reason in 2010/2011 inspired by Melodic and Progressive Rock.
Since the album Do Not Cross NORA13 added a female voice becoming easier on ear and with the album The Only One in 2016 the band completed the transformation into a Melodic Rock Band playing also in acoustic version in smaller locations.
The distinctive characteristics of NORA13 are the blend of voices, the various guitar sounds and the emphasis on dynamic details.
Especially on stage NORA13 flowers out transmitting their passion to the audience

Last Chance is a six-piece band from Bolzano/ South Tyrol – Northern Italy.
In 2018, we decided to create our own style and ventured into songwriting for the first time. This resulted in a completely new style of music: a mix of alternative rock and pop rock with distorted guitars, heavy drums and ambient keyboard/synthesizer sounds. The unique selling point: the female lead voice.
In 2019, we released our first single “Resist”. In the following time, Last Chance was able to gain a lot of stage experience on South Tyrol’s biggest stages. During this time, we shared stages with bands like Royal Republic, Electric Callboy, Enter Shikari and Sepultura.
In 2022, Last Chance went on tour for the first time. Starting the year by preparing themselves for the upcoming shows in the course of the self-organised, independent “Not our Fate – Tour”.
In late summer 2022, we played 11 concerts in South Tyrol, North Tyrol and Eastern Austria. At the same time, our second single was released: “All Along”.
Now Last Chance is in the middle of the preparations for 2023. The studio recordings are in full swing and our new music will be released in early 2023.
Our aim is to present it on the big stages of our sphere of influence and to inspire people with our message.
’Cause every good moment matters!


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Magazine mensile gratuito di cultura, eventi e manifestazioni in Alto Adige-Südtirol, Trentino e Tirolo.
Testata iscritta al registro stampe del Tribunale di Bolzano al n. 25/2002 del 09.12.2002 | Iscrizione al R.O.C. al n. 12.446.
Editore: InSide Società Cooperativa Sociale ETS | Via Louis Braille, 4 | 39100 Bolzano | 0471 052121 | Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..