Vernissage Sound Bath. An immersive and multisensory journey - Pubblicato da valentina_inside



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Friday April 8 marks the opening of two major focus presentations at Museion, highlighting the radical kinetic visions of David Medalla (1942 – 2020) and Erika Giovanna Klien (1900 – 1957). Simultaneously, Museion offers an immersive multisensory event entitled Sound Bath, curated by Philipp De Mazon as part of Museion’s Art Club.

Soundscape meditation by LUANA CARP
Auditive Journey by UNHEARD PLACES
SUPERNOVA - ELECTRO LIVE CINEMA by Joachim Planer and Beatrice Segolini (DOGSTAR2)
Dubtechno DJ set by DAVIDE PIRAS

Sound Bath is an immersive, multi-sensory journey in four parts. It begins with a meditation in Museion's underground space: participants are invited to immerse themselves in a soundscape meditation created by artist Luana Carp. Thanks to the audio format UNHEARD PLACES, with which "sound collector" Manuel Oberkalmsteiner and director Matthias Keitsch explore unheard places, record them and make them audible, the audience becomes part of a fabric of sounds, noises, conversations, stories and legends that become the audio images of a live performance: a mix of historical reportage, travel journal, experimental music and electronica based on field recordings.
Another live audiovisual performance by Beatrice Segolini and Joachim Planer, aka DOGSTAR2, combines silent films from the first half of the 20th century with electronic music. Clips and segments from forgotten films are stitched together to form an "impressionistic portrait of the visible side of our society", as Segolini puts it. For the occasion, film score producer and sound artist Joachim Planer accompanies the screening with a specially created set of live electronic music.
The energetic climax of the evening is reached with the hypnotic Dubtechno atmosphere created by Davide Piras, accompanied by visuals by Maximilian Pichler and Thomas Kostner and immersive space and location design curated by Jérémie Arpa, Clara Milla and Luana Carp.

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